Last weekend, Gus and I ventured to Santa Fe to attend the wedding of his best friend, Gavin Clark, to the beautiful and charming Amy Uberuaga (thus "Clarkeruaga" for fun)! Gus was one of the groomsmen for the wedding. We had a fantastic time! All of Gus' friends came back into town from all corners of the country. Every night the entire crew was out on the town enjoying the moderate temperatures and each other's company. I was even invited to hang out with the girls during the bachelorette night! The temperatures in Santa Fe were perfect, and I joked the entire time that I never thought I'd go to New Mexico for the cooler weather (it was record highs last week in Seattle).
Friday was the rehearsal and dinner which was on the most amazing hotel roof top patio overlooking the cathedral basilica where the wedding took place. I drank margaritas and met many of Gus' friends who until then were only names to me. I always find myself a bit jealous of the amazing friend network Gus has. They are all the most wonderful people, and never fail to make me feel like one of the gang.
The wedding was on Saturday, and it was hard to imagine a more perfect day weather-wise, or a more beautiful bride. Amy was just lovely. The Catholic ceremony was long and formal, but the party afterwards was everything but that! We trekked up to Hyde State Park where an outdoor seating and dance area was set up. We danced, ate, and sang to one of their friends' bands, La Junta, and celebrated Gavin and Amy! I have lots of pictures, and it would probably be easier if you just followed this link to get to them. I've posted a couple teasers below.
Also... I gave Amy and Gavin the quilt Gus and I have been working on for several months. Lots of blood, sweat, and tears (literally), but I couldn't be more proud of the final product. Gus was a huge help, and I don't think I'd have gotten it finished without him. Pics:
Gus is back to Santa Fe this weekend for another wedding, but unfortunately, I wasn't able to join him.
Finally, as many of you probably know, I was laid off two weeks ago. While I was understandably pretty bummed at first, I'm really looking at this as an opportunity to advance my career. I've already had two interviews this week, and have two more on Monday/Tuesday. Cross your fingers that I find a job that is a perfect fit! Loves.

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