Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Work/House Updates!

Hi everyone –

Just wanted to provide you all with a quick update of last weekend. Well, I guess Friday was the most exciting.

First of all, Gus and I got keys to the new townhouse! It was very exciting and we have already been hard at work moving things, painting walls, and building the new dining room table. Next weekend’s projects include finish moving a majority of our stuff and painting the upstairs. I’ll post another blog shortly with some before/after shots of our painting projects.

Second, I found out that I was named Public Relations Society of America Puget Sound Chapter’s Young Professional of the Year 2009 for some work I did for my mobile handset manufacturing client. Wahoo! The slightly unfortunate part is that they already had the awards banquet (2 weeks ago), but were unable to announce the winner at that time due to an error in the scoring. I’ll just have to settle for a nice resume booster and a personalized plaque. All-in-all, I am very honored and excited to have this special distinction and look forward to the job security it entails! Haha!

Well, stay tuned for more pictures and updates from the new house!

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