Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jeanine LOVES free tickets!

Thanks again to everyone who celebrated my birthday at Fremont's Oktoberfest or sent me messages/cards/gifts. I really do appreciate your kindness and friendship.

Last week was no exception to the busyness that can be my life. I walked into Monday thinking that a "normal week" was in store for me. Boy was I wrong. I spent all day Monday in the office of our video guy where we created and edited a highlights video of our clients' first quarter. I had no idea that this takes sooooo long. What a process!

At the end of Monday, an email came across asking if anyone wanted tickets to the Mariner's game that night... FREE BOX SUITE TICKETS in the Moyer Foundation Suite. Um duh! I was dying to go. I immediately called Gus and politely told him to take a bus downtown after work because we were getting spoiled! This was by far the best place I have ever sat at a game (and probably will ever sit). Pretty much directly behind home plate and above the press box, our seats were padded with wheels and tables in front of us for food. The whole level is warm and carpeted, and the bathrooms are lovely. It really made me feel bad for the "riffraff" sitting in the sections outside of the suite level, haha! Behind our seats in the actual box there was a large TV, sink, fridge, arm chairs, breakfast bar with high stools that looked out on the game... I think you get the picture. I'm so glad that I didn't miss that email.

Tuesday through Thursday found themselves to be relatively normal days, but on Friday, I once again found myself the recipient of free baseball tickets. This time they were directly across from third base on the first level 20 rows back! Gus decided not to attend (something about silly presidential debates), so I took my roommate, Ceci. We had a wonderful time. There were flyballs coming at us from everywhere, and it was Fan Appreciation Night so there were tons of prize giveaways (we didnt win any though). Man, I still LOVE free tickets. How can I resist?

Finally, my weekend came to a close on a relaxing note. Gus and I enjoyed dinner at the Matador on Saturday and met his buddy Beau out for some drinks. Today, we are doing nothing but relax, eat pizza, watch way too much football, and play with Jack and China. For next week, Gus will be gone most of the week to a training in Longview, WA and we leave Saturday for the balloon fiesta in Albuquerque, NM!

1 comment:

Sam said...

hey friend. I am sooo jealous of your seats. And excited to hear about New Mexico! As well as considering not calling Justin on his birthday. Actually I won't do that, but maybe wait until 11:50 or something mean like that :) hope you're having a great week!