Friday, May 15, 2009

Vancouver 2010... Here we come!

Gus and I bought tickets to the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics yesterday! I'm super excited, despite the fact that I wasn't able to get speed skating or ski jumping. The events we got are Women's Aerials Alpine Skiing, Mens/Womens Finals of Skeleton (think face first luge), Men's curling, and Men's Hockey Sweden vs. Finland. Pretty much adds up to one event per day so we can make sure to get places on time. We'll be heading up there on Thursday, February 18, 2010 and returning to the great U.S. the following Monday. We figured, "How often are we going to live this close?"

Next dilemma? Where to stay...

Not many of the hotels are taking reservations for February yet and most of the house/condo/vacation rentals are $400/night at the cheapest. Some are upwards of $5,000... Hopefully, some of the hotels will be reasonable (<$150 a night too much to ask?) but if not... sigh. We're either thinking of staying an hour or two outside of the city and commuting in each day or possibly renting an RV.

Just wanted to share my fun news and next adventure with you all! Tonight, we are going out to celebrate Gus' 28th birthday. Getting the gang together at the Hale's Brewery to enjoy some local beer and good fun. Don't forget to send him your wishes on Sunday.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blog Updates and what the heck is Twitter??

Since you are reading this, you have noticed that I decided to spruce up my blog. Changed around some colors, etc. I did this for no particular reason other than I wanted to. :)

You may have also noticed that on the right side of my blog, I'm now feeding my "Twitter" updates. As this Sprint commercial notes, 26% of you have no idea what that means... so, I'm going to explain it in my terms.

Twitter is the latest craze in social networking. It allows people to build networks of "followers" and post 140 character updates (same as a text) on what is happening to them at any given moment. People can post "tweets" via text message, internet, and various applications for your computer or phone. Many companies use this to interact with their customers and loyal fans, celebrities post pictures and gossip, reporters and bloggers talk about their new articles, and everyday people talk about the cool purse they just bought or what they are eating. It's really simple, and quite narcassistic, acutally.

I started using Twitter a while back for work purposes, and have really gotten into it. I "follow" several reporters with whom I have relationships, and keep up-to-date on their likes/dislikes/new articles, etc. I also follow some of my favorite brands and celebrities to keep me updated on the latest news and gossip.

You are probably asking yourself, what does this have to do with me (that's you)? Basically, this is going to be the real time update on what I'm up to, since I don't update this blog as regularly as I should. I usually tweet several times a day, so if you are ever curious what I'm up to, just check my Twitter feed on this blog. Leave me comments if you are still confused or want to learn more.

PS. That Sprint commercial I linked above was created by Gus' friend Carlos. Great job, buddy!