First up, my FAVORITE musical act, The Counting Crows! They were absolutely fantastic. Set at an outdoor venue called Marymoor Park, the sun was shining and setting, a perfect concert setting. The band decided to switch up their concert format and instead of having the opening band (Augustana) play first, both bands were on stage together almost the entire show. They would jam together and alternate songs. Counting Crows' lead singer, Adam, would sing with Augustana and Augustana's lead singer would sing with Adam. It was just a really fun night of music collaboration and the crowd was really into it.

Then on Saturday, I treated Gus to a belated birthday trip out to the Gorge Amphitheatre in Central Washington to see one of his favorite bands, Slightly Stoopid. Our friends Srini and Dave joined us, and I was the only one who had been to the venue before. For those of you reading this that have never been there, it is an absolute MUST. The amphitheatre is set on a cliff along the Columbia River. You can see the rolling hills and flowing river directly behind the stage. Additionally, the sun sets almost directly behind the stage, making a perfect backdrop.
When we got out to the Gorge at 4pm, it was still 99 degrees outside! Whoo eeee. Hot. Thank goodness for a steady wind, or we all may have been quite miserable. We quickly set up our tents and proceeded to hide from the sunshine. At concert time, we trudged along the 1/2 dirt path along with thousands of our fellow concert goers. It was a very interested mixed crowd. The other groups playing with Slightly Stoopid were Mickey Avalon, Stephen Marley (yes Bob's son), and Snoop Dogg! Too funny. I never thought I'd see Snoop, but alas, I got my chance. All around, it was a very fun show. Snoop was fantastic, constantly getting the crowd to cheer, chant, and dance.

We sat up on the grassy hill for most of the evening and enjoyed each other's company and doing some major people watching. My personal favorite was the girl in a 80s workout video outfit: flourescent yellow leotard, belt, & white boots (pic attempt below). Tons of people would run up to her every time she walked by and ask to have her picture taken. After the shows, we hiked back to the campground and relaxed under the beautiful stars. None of the boys had trouble falling asleep, but I did struggle a bit amidst the everlasting array of screaming, laughing, and fireworks explosions.

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better weekend of musical enjoyment.