Thursday, July 31, 2008

Concert Time and Work Update!

Gus and I had the opportunity last night to go see one of my favorite bands play. They are called Cute Is What We Aim For. I guess you would call them an "Emo" style band or maybe even punk? Either way, I really enjoy the music. The band really knows how to connect to the crowd, which is definitely a plus. However, Gus and I were never so happy as to have the 21+ section to escape to. While most people were crammed into the main floor, Gus and I had plenty of room in the bar section. I mean, we could literally lay down, square dance, or simply relax, and we had a good view. Couldn't ask for more! If you are interested, do check them out.

As a quick work update, I participated in media training yesterday for our new spokesperson. Basically, this means we discussed how to handle an interview and then ran him through some practice interviews. All of this was video taped so we could go back afterwards and critique his every answer. I think he's going to do great so look out!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Dark Knight

Gus, Brittney and I all went to see the new Batman movie last night called The Dark Knight. For those of you who didn't know, this movie broke many records on its opening weekend for how much money it was able to bring in. While I did feel this movie was over-hyped, I really did enjoy it. If anyone should receive an award, it's the make-up artists who worked on Heath Ledger turning him into the Joker. What a creepy and unsettling look they were able to create! I recommend everyone go see this movie... it's worth your $10. :)

Have any of you seen the movie yet? What did you think?

Our night didn't end there, however, because we headed off to King's Hardware for $2 Rainiers and the Skeeball machine! Gus and I each won one game, and decided not to try and break the tie. Isn't that nice?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting Started

Hi Friends and Family!

Welcome to my blog! I thought it was about time I updated everyone on what I have been up to in Seattle, so here's your chance to follow along! I will post all kinds of fun stuff on here including my week/weekend activities, triumphs/struggles, work-related updates, photos, and general thoughts on life. I will update this frequently, so check back often! Also, feel free to comment. Blogs are intended to be an open forum of discussion, so discuss away! Let me know your thoughts.

Hope you all enjoy my site, and I dare you all to keep up with me!


PS. Here is a picture of me from my trip last summer to Morocco. What an adventure!